What Can Herbal Medicines Do For You
Sinus infections along with the resultant nasal congestion increase during the colder weather. Children in particular find the congestion caused by sinus infections quite troublesome with increased breathing difficulty from blocked nasal passages, continual runny nose and painful ears again caused by the build-up of mucus which can lead to ear infections.
The increase in mucus is due to irritation/inflammation of the upper respiratory mucus membranes – this is caused by the respiratory infection but can also by caused by irritants such as pollens and dust which results in a watery discharge as in allergy situations.
Typically, options for treatment will include a variety of over the counter medications available from your local pharmacist and these medicines are capable of managing some annoying sinus related symptoms. In cases where infections occur, you may need to consult with your GP to address these issues for more intensive treatment options.
For thousands of years, traditional herbal medicines have been used to alleviate Sinus infection / symptoms and in particular focus on ;
- Relief of symptoms of hayfever, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
- An effective decongestant and expectorant
- Soothe irritated tissues
- Relieve symptoms of common colds and flu
At PPC Herbs, we have formulated a Sinus herbal medicine called Sinus Plex® which contains 5 powerful herbal ingredients all known for their ability to aid in the management of conditions that we have noted above.
Each one of our herbs has been studied by natural health practitioners and in combination offer a very unique treatment option.
Ingredients include
- Eyebright
- Baical Skullcap
- Liquorice
- Elder Flower
- Garlic
Our Sinus Plex ® is a liquid medicine and goes to work fast in the body. A pleasant tasting herbal elixir that is made in Australia at our licensed manufacturing facility.
PPC Herbs is an all Australian company proud to be working with local producers and delivering the highest in quality standards and service to our customers.
Always read the product label and if symptoms persist or worsen contact your healthcare provider immediately