Are You OK ?

Posted on September 10, 2020

September 10 2020 is a very special day that reminds us to always be aware of how important it is to check in on friends, family and acquaintances to ensure that they are OK.  We’ve been doing it tough for the most part of 2020 and for some, it has been even more challenging. The wonderful organisation RU OK are providing resource kits on their web site where you can be guided in how to address a conversation when someone you know is not OK…

We can thoroughly recommend that you spend a few minutes browsing the site to learn of conversation strategies and follow the steps to helping someone find the assistance they need to overcome their potential difficulties.

Mental health illness in Australia is very common. It is estimated that nearly 20% of Aussies aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any year. Data from the Black Dog institute list the common types of mental health illnesses which include; depression, anxiety and substance abuse. The sad part of these illnesses is that they often appear in combination which make it all that more difficult to deal with from a personal and treatment perspective.

The onset of mental illness is typically around mid-to-late adolescence and Australian youth (18-24 years old) have the highest prevalence of mental illness than any other age group. Data from the 2014 Mission Australia’s Youth Survey showed that around one in five (21.2%) of young people (15-19 years old) met the criteria for a probable serious mental illness . Common mental illnesses in Australians are: anxiety disorders (14%), depressive disorders (6%) and substance use disorders (5%).


Mental health illness is a tricky animal to deal with. Often those suffering from a particular form of the illness don’t recognise it or tend to ignore its signs and implications. The serious consequences are clearly self-harm and to that end, early intervention is so critically important.

Seeking the help of a qualified healthcare professional or organisations such as Lifeline are the first port of call if you or the person needing help is at a critical point in their life. Don’t delay and take affirmative action immediately.

There are many approaches offered to more moderate forms of mental illness such as lifestyle changes including engagement with activities that can help to switch off the negative or repetitive  thoughts ; healthy exercise or hobbies can help. Taking more care with diets and alcohol intake are also recommended. The type of environment you are in may also contribute to the problem; see what you can do to change things that are bothering you or bothering the person you are helping.

Check with your healthcare professional for advice on supplements , vitamins or other natural remedies or medicines that may help. Always speak to your healthcare professional FIRST before undertaking any self-medication of any type.

Be safe and Stay healthy.