Healing Herbs

Posted on July 27, 2020

As a company with a long history of manufacturing Herbal Extracts, Medicines and Remedies, we are often asked “what are healing herbs and why do they work”?.

Well it’s a fascinating area of research and with over 400,000 plants still being investigated, we have a long way to go but, Let’s take a bit of a view on what we know so far.

Today, we live in a time when manufactured medicines and prescriptions prevail, but do they have to be the only approach to healing?

Even with all of these engineered options at our fingertips, many people find themselves turning back to the medicinal plants that started it all: Herbal remedies that have the ability to heal and boost physical and mental well-being.

In fact, at the beginning of the 21st century, 11 percentTrusted Source of the 252 drugs considered “basic and essential” by the World Health Organization were “exclusively of flowering plant origin.” Drugs like codeine, quinine, and morphine all contain plant-derived ingredients.

While these manufactured drugs have certainly become paramount in our lives, it can be comforting to know that the power of nature is on our side, and these herbal choices are available to complement our health practices.

But the extent of the power they hold is also still being explored. These alternatives aren’t cure-alls, and they aren’t perfect. Many carry the same risks and side effects as manufactured medicines. Many of them are sold with unfounded promises.

However, many herbs and teas offer harmless subtle ways to improve your health. Pay attention to what the evidence says about each herb’s effectiveness as well as potential interactions or safety issues. Avoid using herbs for infants and children and for those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Most herbs haven’t been tested for safety for those who are vulnerable, and trying herbs isn’t worth the risk.

With this cautionary tale in mind, choosing the right plant can seem difficult to someone who simply wants to feel better without taking medication. That’s why, with we’re looking at the most effective and therapeutic plants — which have strong scientific evidence to support their safe use.

Making decisions about herbs along with more traditional medicinal approaches is something you and your healthcare practitioner can address together. At times, ingesting the plants can have even less risk than taking concentrated, manufactured supplements, as there’s more risk of contamination of the product with the manufacture processes. It’s a wonderful way to experience their effects and the satisfaction of growing them yourself. Herbs can also be a way to add a needed nutrient.

However, both plants and supplements, which aren’t regulated by the Australian regulatory authorities for safety or quality, can have questionable dosage and might have a risk of contamination. Keep this in mind before choosing herbal medicines and remedies from the shelf.

A great place to start with healing herbs is to speak to your healthcare professional. These people understand your health needs and can also guide you in selection of natural herbal products which are safe and efficacious.

Herbs such as Echinacea, Garlic, Turmeric, Gingko, Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Seed, Tea Tree Oil all have some significant history of use however; there are many others to choose from.

Always speak to your healthcare professional if symptoms worsen or persist

Stay safe and be healthy
